Causes Of Disorders
Identifying Disorders Helps To Find The Causes Of Disorders
Identifying the exact causes of disorders is based very much on the specific type of disorder in question. Physical disorders generally have physical reasons for their manifestation, whereas a wide range of different things can cause mental and emotional disorders. Identifying the disorder, therefore, is the first step to trying to resolve it. The person suffering from the disorder and people that are close to him or her will initially need to notice that something is wrong and then will need to take action.
The Term Psychological Can Be Misleading
While psychological factors are seen to be the primary causes of disorders involving food, the term psychological is a very broad term that is often misunderstood. Social, interpersonal and psychological causes of disorders are quite different but many consider them to be the same.
Social Causes Of Disorders
Social causes of disorders include the typical view or glorified perception of how a person should look. Magazines, newspapers and the television all show men and women as being well toned or thin. People become convinced that this is the way they should look or feel and take extreme action to remedy the situation. People suffering from social disorders are given a very narrow view of what a person should look like and they live their life in a bid to mirror this image.
Interpersonal Causes
Interpersonal causes of disorders include a troubled family life, failed relationships, difficulty expressing emotion, bullying and other problems. These can be associated with self-perception in many cases. If a person is teased about being overweight or thick then they begin to believe it, even if it isn't true or is unimportant. The result can be expressed in a number of different disorders.
True Psychological Causes Of Disorders
Psychological causes of disorders range from a low self esteem to depression or anxiety. These feelings can be the cause of or caused by either of the other two factors. The result manifests itself differently in different people but this is one of the major contributing causes of disorders.